How to Change Privacy and Terms of Use Text in Various Languages.

Amelia Garcia

Last Update setahun yang lalu

To change the privacy and terms of use text in various languages, please refer to the available Privacy Policy Setting options, and follow the instructions provided below:

Step 1: By default, you can see that the privacy policy checkbox is selected. It means the privacy policy text will appear in your popup design.

A preview of the privacy policies in the age verification popup is shown, as indicated by the red square.

Step 2: In the privacy policy notes, by default, the English language phrase is written as "By entering this site, you are agreeing to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy." You need to select and copy it for translate in your language.

Step 3: To copy the English language phrase from the privacy policy notes, simply paste it into Google Translate and translate it into your desired language. 

Step 4: Once translated, copy the text and paste it in the privacy policy notes as mentioned in the image below.

Step 5: Once you have followed the instructions provided above and completed changing the privacy and terms of use note in various languages, simply click on the save button to apply the changes.

That's all for changing the privacy and terms of use note in various languages.

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