Plan section.


Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

First, open the app, and you will see the dashboard page.There are two easy ways to get to the Age popup plan page. The first is by navigating through the left side app menu and selecting 'Plans.' Alternatively, you can find it in the 'App Setup' section under 'Activate plan.' Look for the 'Go to Plan' button, click on it, and it will take you to the plan page.

There are two plans available on the page: a 'Monthly Plan' (1.99 $) and an 'Annual Plan' (19.99 $) 1.66$/M. Note: The app is not free, to display a pop-up on your website, you must select one of these plans. It has a 3-day free trial on every plan. On the free trial plan, the app won't charge anything if you cancel the plan during the trial period."

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