Pop-up Logo Settings.

Amelia Garcia

Last Update vor einem Jahr

First, open the app, and you will land on the dashboard page. You can access the Age popup settings page in two ways. The first is by navigating through the left side app menu and selecting 'Settings.' Alternatively, you can find it in the 'App Setup' section under 'Customizer popup.' Look for the 'Go to Customize' button, click on it, and it will take you to the Age popup setting page.

In the 'Pop-up Logo Settings' option, 'Enable'(checked) or 'Disable'(unchecked) means showing or hiding your logo in your popup design. 

Note: By default, it's enabled (checked), which means the logo will appear in your popup design. There is also a default image in the logo option; you need to upload your own logo image (in JPG or PNG file format).

If you want to hide the logo in a pop-up design, disable (uncheck) the 'Show logo' checkbox.

By default, the logo shape is a circle. You can upload the own logo image by using the 'Upload Visual' button.

If you want to display a square logo in the Age Verification popup, you just need to enable the 'Logo Square' checkbox.

If the 'Logo square' option is checked, the logo in the Age Verification popup design will appear as a square logo. After all changes, click the 'Save' button, which appears at the top of the bar, to save the changes you have made.

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